The Care Act 2014

The Care Act 2014 underpins all the welfare work done by local authorities, setting out in one place, local authorities’ duties in relation to assessing people’s needs and their eligibility for publicly funded care and support.
Healthwatch staff member talking to a member of the public about their experience

The main provisions of the Act are:

  • That local councils now have a duty to promote the well-being of carers; previously their duty of care was only made to the users of the care services;
  • That anyone receiving care and support from a regulated provider which has been arranged by the council will be covered by the Human Rights Act 1998;
  • That councils must enable users or potential users of care services to access independent financial advice on their care funding;
  • The introduction of a new appeals system for care users to appeal against council decisions on eligibility to care and care funding;
  • Guidance on safeguarding vulnerable adults, which in England had taken the form of the 2000 No Secrets guidance, was replaced by statutory guidance issued under the legislation


More detail about the Act is available here

The Care Act - an Easy Read guide