1. Report -

    Our policies and procedures set out how we carry out our activities. This policy describes how we deal with safeguarding issues.
  2. News -

    Last year, the Havering Safeguarding Adults Board asked us to find out what local people understand about safeguarding and its implications.

    We have now completed another survey - see below..
  3. Report -

    Healthwatch Havering, with other Healthwatch and the NHS in North East London have worked to find out what changes are needed in the Local Maternity and Neonatal System to improve the service, especially for minorities and deprived communities.
  4. Report -

    Our policies and procedures set out how we carry out our activities. These policies describe how we deal with complaints - both those against us, and those we receive about service providers.
  5. Report -

    Over several months in 2021, at the request of the North East London CCG, we worked with all of the Healthwatch organisations covering North East London to find out how disabled people had coped during the Covid pandemic.